Monday, April 13, 2009

Same old same old

Hola' Familiares',

Como estan? Para mi, todo esta muy bien! Estoy pasando un tiempo, con muncho dolor, y con un esperanca, que no puedo ni pensar... Pero esperro en mi Dios tan poderoso, que me quita este dolor, y esperanca... If you guy's understand what I was saying, than y'all can write your answer in a response, those who do not respond, well you would'nt care what was saying anyway...

Enough of that mess, now I will begin my thought for the moment...

We Have To Play, What We Have Been Dealt.....

Someday's we can do no wrong, and live life to each stretching point...

Then there are day's, that you could'nt stretch a rubber band...

When we are good, were good, and break our arm patting our own back...

Then when day's are bad, well we feel like the south end of a northbound mule...

When we all must really think, life is like a deck of cards....

There are 52 card's, and if you were the only one playing?

You will have less of a chance of winning, due to the odd's being greater...

If too many people play, your odd's are bad as well...

If you try to keep your odd's in your favor, than play with the same people...

And those of a tight knit group, they will be less likely to cheat, or shoot ya...

So with that in mind, keep your family, and friends, in a tight group...

That way your lss likely to be hurt...

Love Y'all, Peace
E. Cesar Hinojosa

1 comment:

  1. forgive my 3rd year spanish skills, but i can understand that... today was a good day, but you spend time in pain, but with hope, that u cant think (?) . You believe in your powerful god clear your pain, and you hope.

    trying to figure that out took like an hour. haha..

    I'm terrible with participles and feeling of the phrases aka terrible at translating spanish as a spoken language.

    I hope the weight of your pain will soon be lifted. Some days are tough, sometimes all day are tough. Faith in the Lord helps to ease the pain, b/c his word helps u feel guidance and companionship.
