Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So where have I been?

I have been writing blog posts, but they weren't posting. I was using an application for my iPhone called shozu, but it stopped posting them...so I deleted shozu and downloaded a new application which I am currently using...so if you are reading this, it works! In addition to the shozu mess I have been studying my butt off. I got an A- on my first paper in my honors history class...but at least it's not a B, now I know what he's looking for. I am really looking forward to spring break...I might just be a lazy bum the whole time. So to my kin in Houston, don't hate on me when I stay in sweat pants the whole time. LOL.

Well I'm off to bed (yes I go to bed at 7...whenever I get the chance).

Love is all you need


  1. Well this is very nice. I am proud of you for getting an A. Keep up the good work, and as far as being in sweat's, well talk to your aunt Susan, she is going to throw mine out.... Because she says that I have no ASS! So don't work yours off....

  2. Congrads on your A. I love being lazy, but it rarely happens. Got too much to do. Got an appt. with the accountant Friday, have to get all my paper work together.... fun times..
    (Hopefully we don't have to pay)
    Luv Ya.
